[scribus] off list Re: ! ;-)

joseph harris smilepoet at vfemail.net
Sat Aug 16 01:14:38 CEST 2008

From: "John Beardmore"

>>> joseph harris wrote:
>> And that I would not contest. But you were asking why so few 
>> took up Scribus in the first place; the answer has to do with 
>> marketing.
> OK, but there are some people that use OSS without marketing.

Hmm. Without formal marketing maybe. But far and away the best 
marketing is word of mouth, and other personal recommendation.

> To me this suggests that it's also about perceptions, 
> expectations and the distribution of knowledge wants and 
> attitudes among the population as a whole.

It's the numbers game; combined with usage. And which program is 
swapped for it. Or whether it is just added to the armoury. Many 
different reasons given by those who venture some of their 
program history. Though your list is broad and inclusive enough 
to be true.

> Cheers, J/.

And the term marketing includes pretty much everything to do with 
creating interest and action, usually involved with the passing 
of money ;-).

Joseph Harris 

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