[scribus] set TextFrame Distance in Scripter?

Pierre Marchand capparis at free.fr
Tue Aug 12 16:50:07 CEST 2008

Vous (Pankaj Mittal) avez écrit :
> Hi Pierre
> 1. As a scripter user, I expect api's to do whatever can be done visually
> (manually).

You are perfectly right.

> Probably, scripter is not there yet which I understand.

It seems, but: 
"To prioritize my work it would be very helpful if current scripter
users could tell me which functions are mostly used and which
additonal ones they would love to have."
in _Re: [scribus] scripting functions_ - Henning

At least I see it coming closer than ever ;-)

> 2. Now about my need of setTextFrameDistance(). I am trying to design many
> cards in which I need to use textFrame (with some corner radius and
> background color). But the text starts sticks beside the borders. It does
> not look good because there is no distance between text and borders of
> textFrame.
> I guess we can use a bigger rectangle in the background with corner radius
> etc. but this increases the dependency on extra object just because one api
> is missing. I would rather prefer setTextFrameDistance().

I understand & find it legitimate to act with scripter as you would do when 
working in non-automated mode. But from what you explain of your job and 
given my own experience, I would not try to get it all in once even if done 
by hand. And preferably i would do exactly such as you try to avoid! Separate 
background shape and text frame.

> I hope I was able to explain. Please let me know if I need to clarify
> further. Thanks

Crystal clear :)

> ps: Is it allowed to send an attachment to List?

I think so.

Pierre Marchand

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