[scribus] scripting functions

Gregory Pittman gpittman at iglou.com
Tue Aug 12 03:10:04 CEST 2008

� wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 3:26 PM, Gregory Pittman <gpittman at iglou.com> wrote:
>> We are in the midst of an upgrade to Scripter, so-called Scripter-ng. This
>> promises to have an increased number of functions, but will probably not be
>> back-ported to the 1.3.3.x series.
> At the first stage it won't have more functions (likely less). But it
> already provides a great base to add many functions quickly and very
> easily (http://scripterng.blogspot.com/2008/08/how-to-add-functions-to-scripting.html).
> It is also easier to maintain because there is no special knowledge
> about binding APIs required
> (http://scripterng.blogspot.com/2008/06/benefits-of-dynamic-binding-using-qt.html).
> It won't be be backward-compatible because now is a good opportunity
> to get rid of some flaws and inconsistencies. Instead it will be more
> like InDesign's scripting interface with its property-based object
> model.  And like InDesign you will also be able to use JavaScript.
> To prioritize my work it would be very helpful if current scripter
> users could tell me which functions are mostly used and which
> additonal ones they would love to have.
There's a little of a Catch-22 here, since I haven't been doing much 
scripting because of the development of the new scripter. Consequently, 
it will be harder to come up with functions I wish existed.

I thought the question about Multiple Duplicate was a good one. Adjust 
Frame to Image has been requested for a long time.
I wonder if it also might make sense to have a condensed version of some 
operations which now require multiple lines, for example combining a 
number of the setTextxxxx() commands to a single command with more 


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