[scribus] Ticket numbering

Magyar Bálint magyarbalint at indi.hu
Sat Aug 2 12:47:41 CEST 2008

On Fri, 2008-08-01 at 13:47 -0400, Gregory Pittman wrote:
> Frank Cox wrote:
> > I'm trying to figure out the easiest way to get numbers on tickets and it looks
> > to me like the closest Scribus comes to this is automatic page numbering, which
> > doesn't get me where I'm going.
> Maybe not exactly brilliant, but the "pure Scribus" way here would 
> involve a script, and this would be a simple script to write.
> It might follow either of your plans, creating a base on which to 
> superimpose numbers, or doing the whole thing all in one go...
> Greg

I've made a script at work to create numbered tickets. The way it works
is that I have set up a master page where multiple tickets are layed out
on an A4 sheet for me to cut out afterwards. The master pages contain
every piece of info that needs to be on the tickets, except the
sequential numbering. Then I apply the master page to the document's
pages, and position the text frames for the numbering, in the order the
numbers need to follow eachother. When I execute the script, it goes
through all the available text frames on the document (the ones *not* on
the master page) in the order the frames were created, and increments
the number to be filled into the frames with a loop, as well as setting
a specific paragraph style to them.

I've attached the script with proper comments included. It might not be
the most optimal way to do it (I haven't done any scripting/programming
for a while), nor does it have any progress indication, but it has
surely saved me tens of hours of manual labor. :)

Hope this helps.

Bálint / jegHegy

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