[scribus] Ticket numbering

Gregory Pittman gpittman at iglou.com
Fri Aug 1 19:47:13 CEST 2008

Frank Cox wrote:
> I'm trying to figure out the easiest way to get numbers on tickets and it looks
> to me like the closest Scribus comes to this is automatic page numbering, which
> doesn't get me where I'm going.
> We're creating tickets for the Creek FM "50,000 Watts of Pow Wow Power!" Rez
> Rock concert (how's that for a title) and would like to be able to set up a
> sheet with a dozen or so tickets on it, then sequentially serial number each
> ticket in two places.  Nicer yet would be an ability to put sequential
> seat/row/section numbers on each ticket as well.  (Seat 1, Row 1, Section 1
> through Seat 150, Row 12, Section 4, or whatever -- I'm sure you see what I
> mean.)
> My initial idea is to use Scribus to create a plate to print the tickets, run
> that through the press and print the required number of sheets, then put each
> sheet through the printer and number them using a custom program that I haven't
> yet written.
> The better (less labour-intensive) approach would be to do the whole thing with
> Scribus and print the tickets and the numbers in one shot on the printer, since
> we've got to push everything through the printer anyway to get the numbering
> done.
Maybe not exactly brilliant, but the "pure Scribus" way here would 
involve a script, and this would be a simple script to write.
It might follow either of your plans, creating a base on which to 
superimpose numbers, or doing the whole thing all in one go...


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