[Scribus] I need a lot of colored rectangles.

Thomas Zastrow listen
Mon Apr 14 19:48:09 CEST 2008

Andrew A. Gill schrieb:
> I'm having some trouble completing a task with Scribus.
> Here's the story:
> I've been asked to redesign a form for psychological evaluations. 
> The form basically shows parents how well their kids are doing on 
> various assessment scales, and at the bottom of each scale is a 
> gradient.
> Not your average good-looking gradient, but a big, honking ugly 
> gradient, from pure red through yellow and on into green.  My 
> first impulse was to delete the gradient and replace it with 
> black and white bars, but I was told that the gradient was ``Sort 
> of their thing,'' as it showed parents if their kids were in the 
> red zone, the green zone or somewhere inbetween.
> Color gradients like that are difficult to print, and I was 
> hoping to offer them an alternative option.  You can find the 
> original and one of my alternatives here:
> <http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t102/superluser/fradients.png>
> It may not be easy to see, but there are 168 rectangles there.  I 
> would like to make each one a separate color, since that should 
> print better than an actual gradient.
> I don't have a problem with doing a lot of repetitive stuff, but 
> as far as I can tell, the method for doing this is
> Edit>Colors>New, enter CMYK quad, hit OK
> (repeat 168 times)
> and then
> Open up properties dialogue, select rectangle, select color
> (repeat 168 times)
> I really have no problem with doing the second part, but is there 
> any way to streamline the former?  Somebody suggested importing 
> an EPS file with all the colors, and it looks like that would 
> work, but it would still be a lot of work to create such a 
> palette.
> Suggestions?
Hi Andrew,

I'm not sure if I understood you correctly, but why aren't you use the 
Scribus gradient function? It's a task of seconds to produce a gradient 
like your example with 3 colors in Scribus. Here's a try:





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