[Scribus] Setting margins for text frames with Python

Familie Heining familie-heining
Sun Sep 30 11:51:44 CEST 2007


I've made my first steps with scribus. I've tried to import tables from csv-files in a scribus document - and there I have a problem with creating text frames:
To import a table I wrote a short script in Python. This script imports the content of a csv file and creates frames for each cell of the table. I can choose indivual background colors, font sizes for each row especially for the table.
But I havn't found a way to set the margins of these text frames. Marking several frames and change the margins in one step with a scribus dialog box doesn't seem to work.

Is there a way to set the margins (top, bottom, left, right) of a text frame with a Python script?

By the way: my next step would be to write a plugin in C++ (if it makes sense).

Thanks to everyone who gave very useful advice (in English or German) on this.
Best wishes,

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