[Scribus] EasyPose - more details and help request

Celso Junior celsojr2007
Mon Sep 10 20:01:36 CEST 2007

Hi avox!

Serious dude, I was reading the man page of pdflatex at my screen right 
now ^_^
It scares me! Tetex and similar are quite an solid and old tool for 
producing  documents in "the linux way", I wander if someone does not 
uses these for you commercial programs already! O_o

Anyway... thanks A LOT for your explanation, I was thinking in using the 
pdfpages package of pdflatex but a saw it is just as rought as pdfnup (I 
figured out pdfnup is a layer for pdfpages call on pdflatex , correct me 
if I'm wrong o_o)

I was needing this thing you know, control correctly the page creation 
and positioning of  the elements, and today I got convinced that 
pdflatex is the answer, you saved me some precious days ^_^v

now let's stop talking, time to work a lot O_O

TKS! Regards!!!

avox escreveu:
> celsojr wrote:
>> See, the best way to go is to use a propper library just for rotate, 
>> scale and positioning the pdf, (without changing nothing inside for 
>> godsake /O_O) I took a look @ pdflatex but it too complex for me I
>> guess...
>> Does someone has more details of how to do this the right way? Or 
>> better, does someone accept join the project and handle the pdf thing u_u?
> AFAIK pdftk can not scale PDFs and the only other options I see are
> libraries like iText or Podofo.
> I still think you should use pdflatex for your project. You only have to
> create a short
> "driver texfile" which will pull in all the pages you need and rotate /
> scale and clip
> them as necessary.
> Have a look at the sample below:
> =====================
> \documentclass{article}
> \usepackage[
>         paperwidth=29.7cm,
>         paperheight=21cm,
>         noheadfoot,
>         twoside,
>         outer=5mm,
>         inner=5mm,
>         top=5mm,
>         bottom=5mm
> ]{geometry}
> \usepackage{graphicx}
> \pagestyle{empty}
> \raggedright
> \raggedbottom
> \setlength{\unitlength}{1mm}
> \begin{document}
> \begin{picture}(200,200)
> \put(0,0){\rule{5mm}{5mm}}
> \put(200,0){\rule{5mm}{5mm}}
> \put(100,100){X}
> \put(100,100){%
> \includegraphics[
>         page=2,
>         scale=0.5,
>         keepaspectratio,
>         angle=90,
>         viewport=40mm 200mm 80mm 240mm,
>         clip=true
> ]{Document-1.pdf}}
> \end{picture}
> \end{document}
> =====================
> This uses the std LaTeX class 'article' and includes the packages 'geometry'
> to set the pagesize and margins of the sheets, and the package 'graphicx'
> for the \includegraphics command.
> Both packages are pretty well documented in case you need a more detailed
> explanation of all options.
> The command \setlength{\unitlength}{1mm} defines the unit for the \picture
> and \put commands below.
> After \begin{document} this file defines one picture area which will place a
> pdfpage and some extra marks: two black squares at position (0,0) and
> (100,0) and a text 'X' at the same position as the pdf page.
> The \includegraphics command uses the following options: take second page
> from pdf file, scale to half the height and width, keeping the ascpectratio
> (this option is probably superfluous here), rotate 90? counterclockwise.
> This example clips the page to a viewport of 4cm x 4cm near the top left of
> the pdf page (this is handy if you want to cut off bleed).
> You can repeat the \includegraphics command to put more pages onto this
> sheet.
> TeX is a little picky about spaces. Don't include extra spaces or newlines
> inside the \picture environment and dont use spaces (or the characters \ ~ %
> { } [ ]) in filenames.
> Since the whole picture environment takes an area of 20cm x 20cm, the next
> picture environment would be placed on the next sheet automatically.
> I hope this information gets you started with pdflatex; you can learn the
> rest of LaTeX when your project is finished :-)
> Have fun
> /Andreas

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