[Scribus] Editing sla file difficult with text editor

Julian Robbins julian.robbins
Fri Feb 16 11:06:42 CET 2007


Odd one.

I tried for the first time to manually edit my .sla file to repoint the 
image locations, as per Gregs notes a couple of days back. (Thanks Greg).

But oddly, in Gedit in Ubuntu 6.10 and Mousepad in a 500k .sla file, it 
gets really slowed down on certain areas of text. Also, very oddly, both 
Gedit and Mousepad show overlapping lines of text in a few places in the 
editor. Its on these overlapping lines that the text editor 
understandable gets a bit slow.

Any ideas why? And can anyone suggest a GUI Text editor that doesn't 
exhibit this behaviour?



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