[Scribus] color management

Hal V. Engel hvengel
Sat Feb 10 20:13:47 CET 2007

On Friday 09 February 2007 16:21, Damien Hull wrote:
> I'm having trouble understanding and configuring color management.
> Here's what I've got at the moment.
>    1. Ubuntu Dapper
>    2. Scribus
>    3. LG Flatron L1720P
>    4. Lexmark C534dn ( nice color laser )
> Here's what I want to do.
>    1. Create a icc profile for my monitor
>          1. I ran lprof and created a profile
>          2. I have know idea if it is working
>    2. Create an icc profile for my printer
>          1. I downloaded the Adobe icc files but they don't have my printer

2. Getting good printer profiles is perhaps the most difficult aspect of color 
management.  If you are a Windows or Mac user most paper vendors and many 
printer vendors offer OK non-custom profiles.  But profiles are specific to 
every element in the printing work flow.  This includes:

 a. The printer drivers.
 b. Printer driver settings.
 c. Paper type (IE. specific brand and type of paper).
 d. The printer model.
 c. The specific ink being used.
Since most free off the self printer profiles are for either Windows or the 
Mac this means that these profiles are not going to be correct for a Linux 
machine since the printer drivers are different (EI, the work flow is 
different).  Fortunately there are a number of vendors that will create 
custom printer profiles for a reasonable fee.  For example, the author of 
photoprint (a Linux/unix print utility that uses guten-print drivers) has an 
inexpensive custom printer profiling service. He charges $25 for an RGB 
profile and uses ArgyllCMS as his profiling engine. He has a high end strip 
reading spectrophotometer that he uses to measure the printer profiling 
targets.    He will also do CMYK profiles but at present does not have 
pricing for these. For users on Linux/Unix using the guten-print drivers with 
ink jet printers you will likely get somewhat better results with a CMYK 
profile. The use of a CMYK profile is not an option on Windows or the Mac 
unless you have an after market (extra cost and expensive) RIP which is not 
likely for most users. His web site is here: 

I have not used this profiling service but I am sure that others here would be 
interested in learning more about it from anyone that has given it a try.


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