[Scribus] Booklet print

Karl Sinn news
Wed Feb 15 20:10:15 CET 2006


Am Mittwoch 15 Februar 2006 19:41 schrieb Calum Polwart:
> How are you printing to Kprinter?  Are you using Acroread? Is enlarge
> small pages to paper size set?  Acroread explands to paper size but puts
> a small white margin in.

No, I send it directly from within scribus.

> But then again those are funny dimensions - your single pages should be
> A5 (i.e. ?c. 148 x 210) Why have you used this size in scribus??

Because thats the size the booklet should have :-) (not my idea)

> To fit without any issues psutils would need to enlarge your scribus doc
> by 1.41 times in 1 direction and 1.29times in the other direction.  That
> would be disastrous so it uses probably the 1.29 and so you get white
> space and the white space is probably centred.

where do you get these numbers from?
enlarging to A5?

The other things you write are not really a solution for me. Does this mean 
that psutils can not deal the situation?

It's quite funny, I already had this problem, and after a day or two of work, 
I gave up and did it with OpenOffice. OpenOffice has a "prospectus" print 
function, which perfectly does what I need. Why is that so difficult for 
scribus? And how do you professionals print books that are not standard-size?


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