[Scribus] Problem with PDF and AcroRead 7

Henry Hartley henryhartley
Wed Jun 15 18:22:51 CEST 2005

Last night I finished up a two page document in Scribus and created a
PDF.  It's a fairly large document since it is mostly photographs,
weighing in at 16MB.  It opened fine on my old Fedora Core 1 machine at
home.  I sent it to myself at work where I have access to a good printer
and tried to open it in Acrobat Reader 7.0 (on Windows XP).  After 15
minutes of hourglass with memory usage slowly rising to over the 700MB
level (on a machine with 384MB of physical memory), I cancelled it.  I
tried on another machine with similar results.  Then I found a copy of
Reader 6.0 and it loaded and printed fine.  Any idea if this problem is
a problem with Scribus or a problem with Acrobat Reader 7?  Further, if
the problem lies with Scribus, any idea if is something that has been
fixed since my (admittedly old) version 1.2?


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