[Scribus] New porting target

zee zeekey
Mon Jun 6 22:48:35 CEST 2005

On Mon, 6 Jun 2005 22:21:38 +0200, Maciej Hanski wrote:
> Andreas has announced yet another test build for MacOSX users, there
> seem to be not too many people willing to give it a shot and write 
> their feedback: 

well, I am a Mac OS X user champing at the bit to get to learning 
Scribus, but I think I've sort of harmed myself in that for now...

My production mac has X-11 which has presented scribus installation 
difficulties via Fink..my alternative is to nuke and pave and reinstall 
everything for scribus, which is not possible w/respect to projects 

My second Mac is a Tiger install; Tiger and Scribus seem to have issues 
from what I understand.

I am experimenting with the pre-alpha aqua version but that's not the 
same experience as I could have were I to use Scribus in the 
x-windowing environment.

I'm in between  a self-imposed rock and a hard place with that...but I 
am committed to learning and using scribus for serious work.


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