Re: [Scribus] Scribus Team Releases 1.3.0 - LaLiberté

Maciej Hanski ma_han2000
Fri Jul 15 13:13:49 CEST 2005

Christoph Sch?fer wrote:
>> The Scribus Team is pleased to announce a technology preview of the
>> next generation of Scribus - Open Source Desktop Publishing.
Congratulations, Scribus Team!

> One thing I'd like to suggest: It would be wonderful to have a French
> name for *every* scribus release. Since French is probably the most
> elegant language in the world, and elegance is more than often a
> requirement in DTP, it seems not only logical to me, but it would also
> make a difference compared to the common practice of commercial companies.

Maybe we could agree on considering the French release name a tribute to
those many frankophone contributors (Martin, Louis, Jean, etc,) who've
supported Scribus in every imaginable way over the last years? The
elegance of French (although it sounds very stimulating to me too :) is
such a subjective thing, it might not be that obvious somewhere outside
of Europe...

I would vote for using different languages for each  Scribus release
name to come, to stress the international approach of this project and
sort of say thank you to developers and contributors in their language
:) Something like "Die Freiheit" for 1.3.1, "Svoboda" for 1.3.2, and so
on in other languages would be really nice, don't you think?

Just an idea

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