[Scribus] Re: Can't get colour management working (was: URGENT)

Craig Ringer craig
Thu Apr 21 06:37:14 CEST 2005

On Thu, 2005-04-21 at 08:52 +0500, Asif Lodhi wrote:
> I first dowloaded scribus and installed it by compiling from source. 
> then I downloaded the lcms sources and compiled them from sources to.

Aah. When you compile a program from source (most open source programs,
anyway) the program checks for optional components on your system before
compilation starts. That's what 'configure' does. If it can't find an
optional component, it disables that feature.

Installing the optional component after you've compiled the program that
uses it will not enable that feature in the other program. You have to
re-run 'configure', 'make', and 'make install' to re-build and
re-install the program before it'll find and enable the optional

That's how Scribus works with colour management - it turns off support
for it when it's compiled if it can't find LittleCMS. So you need to
re-compile and re-install scribus to get color management working.
There's no need to un-install, Scribus will overwrite any existing copy
that's installed when you run "make install".

You don't need 1.2.2cvs - 1.2.1 (which I *assume* is what you're using)
will work just fine. It's just a little easier to see what's going on in

> Now if I download the lcms development package rpm from 
>  http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/extras/3/i386/lcms-devel-1.14-1.i386.rpm
>  do I need to uninstall and recompile scribus again?

You don't need to uninstall, but you do need to recompile.

> will it work then?

It should, if it finds LittleCMS and if your profiles are installed
correctly. At the end of 'configure' you will get a summary of optional
features that tells you whether or not LittleCMS support has been
enabled. All of those should generally say "Yes," but most importantly
LittleCMS and CUPS.


    Configuration Summary:

    FreeType2 installed: Yes <-- Won't compile without this
    CUPS installed:      Yes <-- required for full-featured printing
    LittleCMS installed: Yes <-- required for color management
    TiffLib installed:   Yes <-- required to support TIFF images
    Libxml2 installed:   Yes <-- required for OpenOffice import
    Using Python 2.3         <-- Scripting support

> In my area the Internet speed is very slow (scribus took one
> full night to download) and can I do without 1.2.2cvs?

You can do fine without it, it just has some improvements you might
want. If you find a bug, please make sure to test with 1.2.2cvs before
reporting the bug, though.

Craig Ringer

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