[Scribus] Scribus+OpenBox and more

Serban Udrea S.Udrea
Thu Mar 18 15:09:29 CET 2004


And first of all big thanks to all who work on this very nice piece of 

Now, unfortunatelly I have some problems :-(

1. I cannot get Scribus to run properly when I use the OpenBox v. 3.1 
window manager. Presently I do not know if it is Scribus or OpenBox, 

a) while with other WMs I have no similar problems
b) I have no problems with OpenBox and other Qt-applications

If I start Scribus and use OpenBox the main window of the application 
pops up but then nothing  else works. For instance, instead of menus I 
get grey rectangels. Starting Scribus from an xterm window reveals error 
messages like the ones in the attached file.

The next points refer at using Scribus with another WM (e.g. icewm), 
with which it works.

2. I like to use mm as length units. After setting this, the values on 
the vertical ruler are not set correctly, they are 10 times smaller.

3. The numbers on the horizontal ruler are never complete. The upper 
part is missing. It looks like they are not redrawn properly after the 
little red arrow passes over.

4. During the resize of a box (for text or image) intermediate positions 
of the box frame are persistent on the screen until I release the mouse 
button and the final box is drawn. This looks very ugly :-( even if it 
is not critical.

5. Scribus seems relativelly slow. E.g. slower than OpenOffice v. 1.1 
Impress when I try to do the same thing: an A0-poster. Actually I 
discovered Scribus while looking for WSYIWYG software to prepare posters 
for conferences under Linux.

Finally, system information:


Slackware 9.1-based
Qt 3.2.1-mt
gcc 3.2.3
libc 2.3.2
X 4.3 with gatos drivers


ACER TravelMate 529TXV laptop

850 MHz P-III
384 MB RAM
ATI Rage Mobility P/M AGP 2x graphics chip
8 MB graphics RAM

Here I finish :-)

Best regards,

Serban Udrea
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