[Scribus] scribus cvs 1.1.1

Randolph Bentson bentson
Tue Oct 7 17:32:03 CEST 2003

On Thu, Oct 02, 2003 at 09:15:01AM -0400, Peter Linnell wrote:
> Because the font discovery code picks up slight different names
> for the same font. Times New Roman Medium is Times New Roman Regular.
> There are notes about this in the readme file. 
> Roughly how the font names change:
> Medium 	becomes Regular
> Medium  becomes Roman *depends on the font
> Italic  becomes Oblique *depends on the font
> Almost all the Ghostscript fonts will have URW before their name.
> To me the new behavior will be a pain until all your old docs are
> converted, but the naming is more correct IMO.

I guess I support the change, but the steps one follows in changing over
old files aren't obvious.  The readme file says:
    4) Open the Document created in 1) and substitute all the Fonts with
    the correct new Fonts.
but Peter's note above wasn't quite sufficient for me to do the job
without a bit more investigation.  I opened the file with old Scribus,
clicked on Edit > Preferences > Fonts > Available Fonts to get a list
of the file names used for the various old fonts.  I then started new
Scribus with no source and got the current mapping of font names to file
names by again clicking on Edit > Preferences > Fonts > Available Fonts.
Using the file names as the link I could determine the mapping of old
font name to new font name.  Clicking on Edit > Preferences > Fonts >
Font Substitutions let me set the mapping in Scribus.

After setting these substitutions, I found the following appeared in
my ~/.scribus/scribus.rc :
 <Substitute Replace="URW Gothic L Book" Name="Avantgarde Book" />
 <Substitute Replace="Nimbus Roman No9 L Medium" Name="Times Bold" />
 <Substitute Replace="Nimbus Roman No9 L Medium Italic" Name="Times Bold Italic" />
 <Substitute Replace="Nimbus Roman No9 L Regular" Name="Times Medium" />
 <Substitute Replace="Nimbus Roman No9 L Regular Italic" Name="Times Medium Italic" />
 <Substitute Replace="Utopia Italic" Name="Utopia Medium Italic" />

Randolph Bentson
bentson at holmsjoen.com

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