[Scribus] pyqt in scribus

Franz Schmid Franz.Schmid
Sun Nov 9 22:42:34 CET 2003

Johannes Wilm wrote:
> Hi,
> in the pyqt handbook it says:
> "After importing the necessary modules, we create a Qt application object. 
> This object handles the dispatching of events from the mouse and keyboard to 
> the various widgets of the application. Never try to create more than one 
> QApplication object, not even if you embed Python and PyQt in a C++ Qt 
> application. In that case, the C++ application should create the QApplication 
> object and pass a reference to the embedded Python interpreter."
> Now how do I access that from scribus? It seems that when I just leave 
> everything concerng QApplication and the loop out, it only displays my dialog 
> box for a split second.
The QApplication object is already passed to the Plugin you don't have to bother
with this.

I've tried it various times to get pyqt and Scribus working together. The attached
script works, but only one time. If you want it to run a second time Scribus hangs
and has to be killed. It seems that pyqt does some things during it's initial start
that could be run only once.

Best regards,
Franz Schmid

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