[Scribus] 2 font problems & 1 crash & 1 issue

Johannes Wilm j
Wed May 7 14:13:51 CEST 2003

there are at least two font roblems which have been in scribus for quite a 

Problem 1:
Try making a text box ans write a few lines at font size 12. Then mark the 
text and switch the font size to 48. The thing that happens is, that the line 
height doesn't change, so the lines will be rendered on top of oneanother. It 
seems like the line height is determines by the text size specified before 
any text has been entered at all. 

Problem 2:
When enterng text, the last part of each letter in the text is not rendered. 
When going out of editing mode the entire letters are rendered again. It does 
make it hard to read the text.

The Crash:
Try making a text box and fill in some text. Then right click on that and hit 
"Delete" ----> CRASH!

The Issue:
I do understand that you don't wnat people to use the right hand side to store 
text that isn't used yet, and that you encourage the use of the scrap book. 
Nevertheless, rght now it seems that text that is placed there simply 
disappears into some dark hole. I don't even know whether the text still is 
in the scribus file but that probably should happen. Why don't you either 
disable all moving of text outside of the area where it is displayed or 
enable people to put stuff there temporarily.

Johannes Wilm

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