[Scribus] a quick question

Peter Linnell scribusdocs
Sun May 4 06:07:50 CEST 2003

On Sat, 2003-05-03 at 21:55, George Hail wrote:
> Hello all,
> Is there any way to print spreads in scribus, such that I could create pages 
> that are 8.5 by 7 inches and have two pages print out on an 8.5 by 14 inch 
> page?  I've looked around and found how to do facing pages, but they dont 
> print or save to pdf like that.  Thanks for any help.

Easy, and I added a screen cap to be added to the docs. This is a
"readers-spread" in printers terms - also known in the old days as
"double-trucks", but that is another story. 

see: http:www.atlantictechsolutions.com/scribusdocs/readers-spread.png 

Actaully, there are a couple of way to accomplish this:

Simply, create your new doc with 8.5" x14" (Legal) with landscape
orientation and then add guides - lock per the screen capture. Layout
the two pages on one piece of paper.

If the content is needed to be actually two PDF pages, then create the
half legals, laid as you wish  > export PDF. Then group all items on the
page and copy to a new doc with the legal/landscape mode as above. 

In the screen cap, I added vertical guides at the mid point, 1/2" each
side of the middle guide and then guides which split the two pages. Then
I locked them. I find the guides very helpful to visualize and align
objects. Especially, one in the middle of the page,it makes it easy to
center things like logos etc..

Hope that helps,
(Writing next version docs..)

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