[Scribus] For non-x86 based Linux users

Paul paulf.johnson
Mon Aug 25 16:15:14 CEST 2003


> > This way, you can put the fonts where you like and they will be
> > referenced via the .scribusrc file - possibly a very flexible way of
> > adding fonts. That said, the idea of xset q is that this would not be
> > required.
> >
> This is very good, because for whatever reason, xset and the underlying
> library methods do not always give the correct answer. I assume that you
> mean that a user can advise scribus with the --fonts parameter once, and
> then the font path or values will be written to .scribus. Then --fonts won't
> need to be used again on the command line.

As it stands, it won't be playing with the .scribusrc file. There are a
couple of good reasons for this. It will create it's own .scribusfont
file. This also means that should a directory vanish, the .scribusfont
can be removed.

I've initially scripted (i.e. not coded) the following new parameters

/* scribus-font-new.cpp
     August 2003
     For scribus 1.1, may not work properly in 1.0.1

     The following are to be added.

     --font <args>
	where <args> are a list of directories relative to / and comma
	                         separated containing fonts.
	checks the .scribusfonts file for the existance of the font
	directories. Exits once run. Gives any directories not found
	and writes a temp file with these in
	only works after font-check has been issued. Rebuilds the font
	list by removing the font directories found missing by

      both font-check and -rebuild will not result in scribus running.

Nothing like open source to get what you want ;-p


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