[Scribus] Re: Command line & picture in text block

mpdickens at tlanta.com mpdickens
Sun Aug 24 07:18:51 CEST 2003

>On Fri, 2003-08-22 at 06:35, michal at plovarna.cz wrote:
>>Is it possible to use Scribus functions via Python plug-in without
>>launched Scribus? (externaly in launched python)
>>I would like have some system, which will dynamicaly generate PDF files.
>>My idea is generate Scribus XML files, pass it through Scribus and get the
>>PDF. So I would like use Scribus like one of the many programs in long
>>chain of operations.
>>Thank you

perl::pdf is more suited to this task. As a matter of fact, perl::pdf 
was designed
to specifically perform this task. If you are looking for something 
really lightweight,
staight forward and no programming (except for a script to drive it) why 
not use ps2pdf?

Best regards

Marvin Dickens
Alpharetta, Georgia.

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