[scribus-dev] FormatXML

JLuc jluc at no-log.org
Tue May 10 10:42:39 UTC 2016

Hello Juraj,

Have you updated the script on the wiki ?
It would be good since its useless to leave a bad version when it doesnt run anymore.

It looks like script need to be "versionned" : could you also add a comment "tested ok for 1.5.2svn" ?


Le 10/05/2016 12:18, Juraj Fedel a écrit :
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
> import sys
> try:
>     # Please do not use 'from scribus import *' . If you must use a 'from import',
>     # Do so_after_  the 'import scribus' and only import the names you need, such
>     # as commonly used constants.
>     import scribus
> except ImportError, err:
>     print "This Python script is written for the Scribus scripting interface."
>     print "It can only be run from within Scribus."
>     sys.exit(1)
> import xml.sax
> import xml.sax.handler
> class XMLFormatter (xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler):
>     """Formats xml in scribus document
>     Every text node including whitespace is placed in the document
>     Paragraph styles are applied through an attribute sla:style in the namespace"http://www.scribus.net/formatxml".
>     Character styles are applied through the attribute sla:override in the same namespace
>     Paragraph and character styles are inherited automatically"""
>     def __init__ (self):
>         self.styles = [None]
>         self.overrides = [None]
>         self.template = ""
>         self.document = ""
>         self.name = ""
>         self.in_namespace = False
>         self.prefix = None
>         self.first = True
>     def make_textframe (self):
>         margins = scribus.getPageMargins()
>         size = scribus.getPageSize()
>         w = size[0] - margins[1] - margins[3]
>         h = size[1] - margins[0] - margins[2]
>         return scribus.createText (margins[1], margins[0], w, h)
>     def startPrefixMapping(self, prefix, uri):
>         """checks if current node is in proper namespace"""
>         if uri =="http://www.scribus.net/formatxml":
>             self.in_namespace = True
>             if prefix != "":
>                 self.prefix = prefix + ":"
>     def endPrefixMapping(self, prefix):
>         """signal that we are no longer in namespace"""
>         if self.in_namespace:
>             self.in_namespace = False
>             self.prefix = None
>     def startDocument(self):
>         """Open document"""
>         scribus.openDoc(self.template)
>         self.name = self.make_textframe()
>     def add_style (self, stack, style):
>         if style == None:
>             style = stack[-1]
>         stack.append(style)
>     def startElementNS(self, name, qname, attrs):
>         """record styles or overrides"""
>         attrs_names = attrs.getQNames()
>         if self.in_namespace:
>             if self.prefix + "style" in attrs_names:
>                 style = attrs.getValueByQName(self.prefix + "style")
>             else:
>                 style = None
>             self.add_style(self.styles, style)
>             if self.prefix + "override" in attrs_names:
>                 override = attrs.getValueByQName(self.prefix + "override")
>             else:
>                 override = None
>             self.add_style(self.overrides, override)
>     def endElementNS(self, name, qname):
>         self.styles.pop()
>         self.overrides.pop()
>     def shouldSetStyle (self):
>         if self.first:
>             return True
>         else:
>             return scribus.getAllText(self.name)[-1] == "\r"
>     def characters(self, content):
>         """place text, apply style"""
>         start = scribus.getTextLength(self.name)
>         go_ahead = self.shouldSetStyle()
>         scribus.insertText (content, -1, self.name)
>         scribus.selectText(start, len(content), self.name)
>         if self.styles[-1] != None and go_ahead:
>             try:
>                 scribus.setStyle(self.styles[-1], self.name)
>             except scribus.NotFoundError:
>                 scribus.createParagraphStyle(self.styles[-1])
>                 scribus.setStyle(self.styles[-1], self.name)
>         if self.overrides[-1] != None:
>             try:
>                 scribus.setFont(self.overrides[-1], self.name)
>             except ValueError:
>                 pass
>         self.first = False
>     def flow(self):
>         while(scribus.textOverflows(self.name) > 0 and scribus.getTextLines(self.name)):
>             current = self.name
>             scribus.newPage(-1)
>             scribus.gotoPage( scribus.pageCount() )
>             self.name = self.make_textframe()
>             scribus.linkTextFrames(current, self.name)
>     def endDocument(self):
>         """Save and close document"""
>         self.flow()
>         scribus.saveDocAs(self.document)
>         scribus.closeDoc()
> #end class XMLFormatter
> class UserCanceled (Exception):
>     pass
> #end class UserCanceled
> def format(xml_file, scribus_template, document):
>     fmt = XMLFormatter ()
>     fmt.template = scribus_template
>     fmt.document = document
>     p = xml.sax.make_parser()
>     p.setFeature(xml.sax.handler.feature_namespaces, True)
>     p.setContentHandler(fmt)
>     p.parse(xml_file)
> def getFile(caption, filter, defaultname=None):
>     if defaultname:
>        file = scribus.fileDialog(caption, filter=filter, defaultname=defaultname, issave=True)
>     else:
>        file = scribus.fileDialog(caption, filter=filter)
>     if len(file) == 0:
>         raise UserCanceled("canceled")
>     else:
>         return file
> def main():
>     """Formats xml file using Scribus template"""
>     try:
>         xml_file = getFile("XML File", 'XML (*.xml)')
>         template = getFile("Scribus template", "Scribus document (*.sla)")
>         document = getFile("Save document", "All (*.*)", xml_file.replace(".xml", ".sla"))
>         format (xml_file, template, document)
>     except UserCanceled:
>         pass
>     except xml.sax.SAXParseException:
>         scribus.messageBox("XML Error", "XML Error: please check your document")
> def main_wrapper():
>     """The main_wrapper() function disables redrawing, sets a sensible generic
>     status bar message, and optionally sets up the progress bar. It then runs
>     the main() function. Once everything finishes it cleans up after the main()
>     function, making sure everything is sane before the script terminates."""
>     try:
>         scribus.statusMessage("Running script...")
>         scribus.progressReset()
>         main()
>     finally:
>         # Exit neatly even if the script terminated with an exception,
>         # so we leave the progress bar and status bar blank and make sure
>         # drawing is enabled.
>         if scribus.haveDoc():
>             scribus.setRedraw(True)
>         scribus.statusMessage("")
>         scribus.progressReset()
> # This code detects if the script is being run as a script, or imported as a module.
> # It only runs main() if being run as a script. This permits you to import your script
> # and control it manually for debugging.
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>     main_wrapper()

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