[scribus-dev] Please confirm or comment "2 strokes accented characters cant be typed in"

a.l.e ale.comp_06 at xox.ch
Tue Jun 24 13:41:22 UTC 2014

hi craig,

 > http://bugs.scribus.net/view.php?id=12228
> We dont necessarily have control over this issue though. We receive 
> keystrokes through the OS/DE/Qt and then our own code. A whole lot can 
> change without us changing code (and we haven't), plus its different 
> for every layout out there. If you can find an example on one system 
> where nothing has changed but Scribus then we could look for a difference.

as far as i can tell, this issue has been around for a very long time...

do i understand it correctly, that nobody in the team can reproduce the 


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