[scribus-dev] Downloadable colour palettes

Louis Desjardins louis.desjardins at gmail.com
Sun Jun 16 17:40:37 UTC 2013

2013/6/16 Gregory Pittman <gpittman at iglou.com>

> On 06/16/2013 04:49 AM, Owen wrote:
>> On Sun, 16 Jun 2013 08:30:04 +0200 (CEST)
>> "Christoph Schäfer" <christoph-schaefer at gmx.de> wrote:
>>  Hi all,
>>> In a mostly internal discussion, Craig suggested not to expand the
>>> number of colour palettes post 1.4.3, as the sheer number could
>>> confuse users. He contemplated making additional palettes available
>>> for download instead, similar to the hyphenation dictionary choice he
>>> has implemented.
>>> This sounds like an excellent idea to me, and we could even reduce
>>> the number of palettes being shipped with Scribus by default.
>  Couldn't agree more.
>>> My suggestion would be
>>> Scribus Basic
>>> Scribus Splash
>>> Oxygen
>>> Tango
>>> X11
>>> X11 Grey
>>> and maybe
>>> Open SUSE
>>> Ubuntu CMYK
>>> Ubuntu RGB
>>> And yes, make all the others down loadable with references to licences
>>> as applicable.
>>>  I think any inclusion of palettes with spot colors can be confusing to
> those who don't understand spot colors.

But any color can be made into CMYK or Spot. I understand your concern but
wouldn't it better to add a read-me file and double that with a tooltip or
even make a clear warning in the UI itself?

I know that for many many users, spot colors won’t mean much. But color
palettes are for spot colors as well.

How do we solve that?


> Greg
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