[scribus-dev] Question from OIF about new functions added in Scribus and funded by OIF

ale rimoldi ale.comp_06 at xox.ch
Fri Apr 12 11:23:44 UTC 2013


from my side i commit in providing in a timely manner a stable and good
quality epub export plugin, not later as it's clear that a stable
release is in the pipeline.

i have some other priorities right now (and i'm waiting for some
features by cezary), but i can restart working on it as soon as it is
(and elisa already asked me to restart the work, because she can have a
use for it, even if it is not in a stable version. so it may happen very
soon, if the current "epub" branch is not enough for her)
(and the epub branch in git contains a non finished but working version
of the epub plugin)

for the overview palette, the development is indeed on hold. ... and a
bit not such a priority for me right now.
the functionality is somehow there, but the hard part is to find a way
to use qt designer to create a cleaner and more flexible structure to
show the list of pages.

i've added it to my tasks towards the end  of summer, but i can't
promise that i will succeed in achieve the goal. but i will try. really.

if i find a workable solution the code will be provided and proposed for
inclusion into the trunk before the end of the year.

have fun

> Hello all,
> Christian Ambaud is writing me this morning and asks the following two
> questions. I reproduce them in their orignal French version and I put
> below a translation of my best.
> Summary of the new functions for which the development was funded by
> OIF: A. Plug-in for exporting to ePub format
> B. Footnotes management
> C. Bulleted and numbered lists management
> D. Enhancement of existing features
> 1) Allow the settings of shortcuts for styles
> 2) Enhancement of the link tool
> E. Addition to the "Organise pages" palette the overview of the pages
> and a view of the page layout (chemin de fer)
> Questions (French):
> - la date approximative de mise en ligne de la version stable de
> Scribus qui inclura les fonctionnalités soutenues par l'OIF ;
> - Si cette version stable est déjà disponible, le nombre de
> téléchargements (si ce n'est pas le cas, et en attendant, le nombre
> de téléchargements de la version de développement qui lui
> correspond) ;
> Questions (Translated to English):
> - The approximative date when the stable version of Scribus including
> the functionnalities funded by OIF will be available online
> - If this stable version is already available, the number of
> downloads (and if it is not the case, meanwhile, the number of
> downloads of the developement version that corresponds to it).
> I would appreciate a quick reply so I can answer quickly to Christian.
> Thanks!
> Louis

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