[scribus-dev] patches are ready...

gpittman at iglou.com gpittman at iglou.com
Wed Oct 3 14:40:55 UTC 2012

On Wed, October 3, 2012 10:01, Craig Bradney wrote:
> These are valid points but are not relevant - they mean the patch is NOT
> ready for committing. Simple.
> Craig
> On 03/10/2012, at 15:24, Cedric Gémy <cedric.gemy at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I would agree this is a huge step not having to set each bullet
>> manually.
>> I think, that may be:
>> - cezary, like i do, can feel difficulties in explaining things
>> precisely - "seems to be working" because he proposes the patch for test
>> and wait for people to tell if it's really working. IMO this is not a
>> problem.

I also think that submitters should not be so passive, and perhaps use
other means to ask others to review patches, or maybe clarify what it is
they wanted to say, but perhaps misstated.

If a patch submission has been quiet for some time, it is expected that it
will remain so until someone generates some interest in it.


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