[scribus-dev] text-formatting

britta.yes britta.yes at jubii.dk
Fri Jul 13 12:43:16 UTC 2012

Hello again

Thank you for alle your comments - using the second first og second last
letter is what I am using today - taking a lot of time and can get a lot
af mistakes.
One of the problems are, when I make a return and want to write more,
the text formatting go back to default.
Here is my ideas:

1.	A frame can have a default - thats OK
2.	If I wont something else - then I can either:
	- write the text an give it a style (why shall a I go two places
to use/edit styles ??) or
	- select the text an give it a direct font, size, color etc.
	and this cut the default frame set and go on with new selected
3.	A hard return gives whats defined in a style or whats defined
directly in the frame
4.	A soft return just give a new line without any change

For me it seem, it is a quistion about cutting the link back to frame
default every time a return is used, when a text is given a style og a
text is given i direct font etc.

Am I wrong ??

Hej from here


Pas på dig selv

KH britta

Nørregade 20, 6690 Gørding . 4025 5150 

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