[scribus-dev] Who is going to kill the style dialog ?

Louis Desjardins louis.desjardins at gmail.com
Mon Nov 1 13:58:44 CET 2010

2010/11/1 a.l.e <ale.comp_06 at xox.ch>

> ciao louis,
> see this case:
> - you have a paragraph you want to use as style
> - you create a style out of it (just by being prompted a name: that's ok)

So far, so good.

> - you then change the kerning of the paragraph to better fit the text

Yep, business as usual.

> - you change the font

Now this defeats the purpose of a stylesheet but I still follow you...

> - you fix the kerning again


> - now you want to update the style you have first created by using the new
> font


> - as you update the style (or create a new based on the current paragraph)
> the kerning information will be included.

Ok again.

> - you just wanted to update /store the font change... and now you're upset.

No problem. Such changes that apply to a selection of text over a paragraph
stylesheet flag the stylesheet with a plus sign like this "+stylename" in
most apps that use stylesheets, meaning that the user have applied local
settings on top of the stylesheet.

Of course, when creating or updating a stylesheet it is expected the user is
fully aware of what he’s doing. In this particular case, the mechanism
doesn’t prove to be wrong but the user can make mistakes. It would be better
if he'd pick a paragraph that show the stylesheet name without this plus
sign. That way he's sure he's updating a clean stylesheet and he will not
apply unwanted settings to the whole job.

In any event, having to set the kerning to the default settings in an extra
dialog or in the paragraph on the canvas will take the same amount of time.
And at this point of tweaking it is not impossible that the user finds out
he’s been affecting a lot of other paragraphs on which he may or may have
not put local settings... When you come to the point you adjust your type at
this level, you are pretty far into the production workflow. A change in the
font will definitely have effects on widows and orphans.

> or am i mistaken?

I hope this helps understand better!



> ciao
> a.l.e
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