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<p class="default-style">Thank you Gregory for you'r advice on this subject.</p>
<p class="default-style"><br>I had hoped for some sort of program or even an extension of Scribus. Howver the text I want to translate quit finished I have had so to scan the pages and then using a ocr (Obtible charector program) to get an editabul text.</p>
<p class="default-style"><br>However I will ask one of my colegs who lives in Cardiff to see them. Did you know I live not fare fro Cardiff???.</p>
<p class="default-style">Greg, you are corect when you said that I am a Welsh speacer I have some time translated for Scribus and MusScore but my yes have deteriated.</p>
<p class="default-style">And stil working on English Welsh Hymns, they are now in the hands of a proff reader.</p>
<p class="default-style"><br></p>
<p class="default-style">Wena Parry<br></p>
<p class="default-style">South Wales, U.K.<br></p>