<span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif; font-size: 12px"><div> </div>
<div>Heintz Weisinger was kind enough to post a usable version of Scribus 1.4.6 on Slackbuilds for Slackware users.</div>
<div>I wonder if he would do the the same for Scribus 1.5.3? If that is impractical and if he has 1.5.3 working on his own Slackware partition</div>
<div>if he could send me a copy by email? I have tried compiling it from source but the results were not usable for recent releases. The workable copy I have on a Xubuntu partition won't run on Slackware. Xubuntu has its own problems.</div>
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<div>John Culleton</div>
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