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Thanks a lot, Nicki: <BR>
Now, I'm using a standard line (that I copy and paste in the place I need). But I'd like something more... "automatic". I think the solution would be creating a paragraph style, and aply that to the footnote style... but there is no that option for "paragraph style", is it?<BR>
Regards (and sorry by my poor English)<BR>
Diego, <BR>
El mié, 06-02-2013 a las 08:45 +0000, Nicola Griffin escribió:
This may be of no use to you Diego, but there don't seem to be any other ideas yet.
I design a magazine in which I have not a footnote but something that looks like a footnote - biography details at the bottom of the page in a smaller font. I have a line above this text. I also have lines dividing the text in main frames. I either create a separate text frame with an underline in it, or put the line above the text (in the 'footnote' frame). I have a style set up for the line.
On 5 Feb 2013, at 13:22, Diego wrote:
> Hi:
> I'm glad with the new Scribus 1.5 features, especially with footnotes'
> management.
> Now, I need to lay out a new publication, and what I want is to arrange
> the footnotes frame's style, to achieve a visual effect similar to
> LibreOffice. I mean; a line on the top of the footnote frame...
> Any idea? Thanks,
> Diego
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