With great many pages, I would like to organize my workspace better than ... <a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/CMtc2ZcwHlDS1u95zFUUNlNGi7GPCR9CdGI8j7L96iU?feat=directlink">screencopy</a><br>As it is, all my pages are displayed in an only column, so I loose a lot of space. And as I usually add new pages at the end of the document, I forever need to scroll upwards to get the group of photos, then downwards to drag and drop them to the last page.<br>
<br>Is there a way to either display the pages on several columns and/or open several windows for the same document.<br>I'm working with dual screen, the larger having 1920px wide. Currently, the only thing I've managed to do is having the workspace on the big screen and the other windows on the little one; but that doesn't improve my workspace display.<br>
<br>Thanks for your ideas on the matter.<br><br>Marie-Noëlle<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Une galerie photos, un blog ... pourquoi pas ? <a href="http://www.webmaster-en-herbe.net/" target="_blank">Webmaster en herbe</a><br>
<br>Parcourez les Cévennes à ma façon : <a href="http://www.cevennes-plurielles.com" target="_blank">Cévennes Plurielles</a><br><br>Et toutes mes autres publications à partir de ma <a href="http://www.marie-noelle-augendre.com" target="_blank">page d'accueil générale</a><br>