I think I have the answer, and it doesn't involve any additional tool.<br><br>In Scribus, it is possible to have frames on the canevas, outside the limits of actual pages. So, I think I will import at once all the images I want to work with, in image frames the size of thumbnails, then move them around and resize them on the canvas to get the first rough idea of the whole book.<br>
<br>Then I will move them to their actual position in real pages and adjust their sizes.<br><br>How does it look?<br>Marie-Noëlle<br><br>-- <br>Une galerie photos, un blog ... pourquoi pas ? <a href="http://www.webmaster-en-herbe.net/" target="_blank">Webmaster en herbe</a><br>
<br>Parcourez les Cévennes à ma façon : <a href="http://www.cevennes-plurielles.com" target="_blank">Cévennes Plurielles</a><br>
<br>Et toutes mes autres publications à partir de ma <a href="http://www.marie-noelle-augendre.com" target="_blank">page d'accueil générale</a><br><br>