I'm a real beginner in DTP, and have just created a little photo books of 40 pictures with Scribus.<br><br>Now, I want to work on a larger project involving about 200-300 photos, and I'm looking for a tool to organize the photos before actually putting them in Sribus pages. I would like to display as many photo thumbnails as possible in a window, and be able to sort them manually. When I'm satisfied with the order, I will have to register it someway (renaming the files is possible), so I only have to import them, one by one, in image frames in Scribus.<br>
<br>From what I saw, Scribus images manager only allows sorting by filename or document page. Unless there is a function I have not yet discovered? Or a plugin, may be?<br>Or somebody can give hints about other tools I could use, or other ways to do the job?<br>
<br>Thanks for helping,<br>Marie-Noëlle<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Une galerie photos, un blog ... pourquoi pas ? <a href="http://www.webmaster-en-herbe.net/" target="_blank">Webmaster en herbe</a><br><br>Parcourez les Cévennes à ma façon : <a href="http://www.cevennes-plurielles.com" target="_blank">Cévennes Plurielles</a><br>
<br>Et toutes mes autres publications à partir de ma <a href="http://www.marie-noelle-augendre.com" target="_blank">page d'accueil générale</a><br><br>