@<b>Gregory Pittman</b>
<a href="mailto:scribus%40lists.scribus.info?Subject=Re%3A%20%5Bscribus%5D%20%5Bscripter%5D%20Strange%20behavior%20of%0A%09tkMessageBox.showerror%28%29&In-Reply-To=%3C4C878327.80908%40yahoo.com%3E" title="[scribus] [scripter] Strange behavior of        tkMessageBox.showerror()">gregp_ky at yahoo.com</a><br>
<br><pre>> In the past at least there have been some issues with Tkinter in <br>> Scribus. It's been so long, I can't remember what they were. Craig <br>> Ringer helped me through them.<br>><br>> It's one of the reasons why I stopped using Tkinter. Why don't you just <br>
> use the built-in message box in Scripter?<br>><br>> Greg<br><br>Because the real script is rather complex, with many options that the user has to select.The single-line-string message<br>box of scribus is too much basic for such a scipt.So, if I use Tkinter for the whole GUI, it's natural to use it for<br>
the message-boxes too.<br><br>Anyway, if there's not a smart solution, I will use the Scribus built-in message box.<br><br>Thanks, and good bye.<br></pre>