[scribus] another photobook script

Gregory Pittman gpittman at iglou.com
Mon Feb 8 14:01:11 UTC 2021

On 2/7/21 6:36 PM, adam armfield wrote:
> hello,
> i'm writing a hopefully simple script that I can point at a folder of jpegs, and have it make a page per pic with an image frame on it, with one of the jpegs in.
> this is what I've got so far:
> ------------------------------
> import os
> import glob
> os.chdir('/imagefolder')
> os.scandir('/imagefolder')
>  pics = glob.glob('*.jpg')
> for p in pics:
> newPage(1)
>  createImage(0, 0, 90,90,["pic{picname}".format(picname = p)])
> -----------------
> at the moment it doesn't seem to work as I was expecting in scribus, I adapted it for general python, the string formatting  does what i'd expected (appends "pic" onto the filename, I was planning to name  the imageframes like this):
> -----------
> import os
> import glob
> os.chdir(' /imagefolder')
> os.scandir('/imagefolder')
> pics = glob.glob('*.jpg')
> for p in pics:
>  print(p) 
>  print("pic{picname}".format(picname = p))---------------------
> the bit where I create new pages also only works under certain circumstances
> for p in pics:
> newPage(1)
> sometimes it makes 19 new pages, other times it makes 1, other times it doesn't make any, it doesn't work at all when I use my createImage line, but I did manage to create one image frame when I gave it a hardcoded name
>  createImage(0, 0, 90,90,["pic{picname}".format(picname = p)])
> any ideas? I was planning to follow this with a loadImage
> this is in


I presume you're just showing us some fragments of your script.
Why not start with some scripts that work?


These are designed to make a document with multiple pictures per page, but could be modified for only one.


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