[scribus] Translating from Welsh to English

Gregory Pittman gpittman at iglou.com
Thu Dec 31 19:46:25 UTC 2020

On 12/31/20 2:13 PM, Silvain Dupertuis wrote:
> For translation between French, English and German,
> from my experience Deepl does quite a good job.
> No idea if Welsh is included.
> As for Google translate, what I have seen with Asian languages like Thai or Lao gives funny and unreliable results...

Google translate does a considerably better job than it used to. Whatever you might use, you can expect to need to tweak the results to have it seem more natural.

I translated the French Flossmanuals book on Scribus using Google translate, then smoothing out the language so that it seemed like it might have been written in English.


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