[scribus] ODT into Scribus

Rolf-Werner Eilert rwe-sse at osnanet.de
Thu Nov 8 14:42:08 UTC 2018

> Can Scribus import odts maintaining this formatting and layout in editable form? If not, could this be a request?

Just had a look into an odt document. Its text/layout part consists 
mainly of an .xml file. This contains simple text elements like 
paragraph styles, linefeed commands + text which would have to be 
interpreted serially. Then there are some elements like svg commands for 
lines etc. and commands for boxes.

All in all, I would say "everything is there" to rebuild the page from 
such an xml (there is also a meta.xml file that contains basic page and 
paragraph definitions for the whole document).

You would have to code an interpreter which is able to re-build the page 
after those definitions. No voodoo, but I guess even with help from the 
LibreOffice guys, that's a long way mate ;)

As a workaround, if the pages you get out of the OCR software are ok, 
maybe just let LibreOffice make a PDF from it and include that into your 
Scribus document. What do you think?


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