[scribus] feedback needed: snap to items

ale rimoldi ale.comp_06 at xox.ch
Tue Apr 3 11:51:32 UTC 2018

hi thorsten

> I'm not a big friend of using the keyboard, keyboard modifiers and
> things ...

i think that indeed scribus should be usable without having to learn
(too many or any) keyboard modifier.

keyboard modifiers are there to make your workflow faster, so i'm
comfortable with the idea that people who don't choose to use keyboard
modifiers have no access to the snapping to items. which, in my eyes,
is a tool that is there to make the workflow faster.
there is a better alternative for you. one that is completely keyboard
free: it's the align and distribute tool.

you're right to chime in and remind us about the "slow food" [1] users.
in this case, i don't think they will lose anything.
on the contrary, they will get a slightly cleaner UI, with one setting
less, one that they probably won't be using.


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slow_Food

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