[scribus] automatic line spacing is taken from where?

ZASKE Martin zm at revue-gugu.org
Mon Sep 25 12:41:06 UTC 2017

Dear list,

yes - me too - we despise everything automatic. We want full control
over our page layout.

Still, my team asked me a question this morning and I could not answer it:

How can we know what line-spacing Scribus is using, when we opt for
"automatic line spacing".

The help file is saying this:
"Automatic spacing causes Scribus to adjust for you, according to the
font size. The default setting for this is 120% of the font size, but
this can be adjusted in File > Preferences > Typography."

But we noticed that different fonts give different automatic line
spacing, even if we apply them all in font-size 10 pt. (We made
text-frames and applied 10 pt size and automatic spacing and measured
the line-spacing with manual hack, having changed the main document
units to pt.)

We guess, that the font-makers have an internal option to send out their
fonts with a "proposed default line-spacing"?

For example Charis SIL (which is meant for many languages and which can
and does handle multiple-stacked diacritics) goes to 16,2 pt automatic
line spacing for 10 pt font-size. And Arial Unicode only goes to 13,3 pt
automatic line spacing for 10 pt font-size.

Now where can we find out / look up this "inbuilt line-spacing default"
which is probably somewhere inside the fonts? Or rather: From all the
inbuilt-definitions within a given font, which one does Scribus apply
when the user is opting for automatic line spacing?

I had a look in Fontforge, Font-Information and found information for
example in the tab OS/2 / metrics / Type-Durchschuss; but how can I know
where Scribus is looking?

This is not super-live-threatening urgent or important. Mainly meant for
my training and for training our team. Always hoping to get to know our
favourite DTP-tool a little better.

Thank you,


ZASKE Martin
responsable GʊGʊ
BP 50 - Bassila - Bénin
tel GʊGʊ
tel pers

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