[scribus] Dragging guides.

John Culleton John at wexfordpress.com
Wed Jun 17 21:22:22 UTC 2015

On Tue, 16 Jun 2015 18:21:50 -0400
John Culleton <John at wexfordpress.com> wrote:

> KIn most drawing programs (e.g., gimp,
> Inkscape) one can grab a guide from the side
> ruler and then just place it where needed. But
> in scribus when I release the mouse button the
> guide disappears.
> The guide dialog works but it isn't handy.
> What am I missing?

Now guides work for all versions including
1.5.1 20167 on any new sla file but it still
doesn't work on a particular sla file I built
with some edition of 1.5.1 in the last week or
two. Which version I don't know. 

So now my problem is, how do I purify this
particular .sla file? If I can't then I'll
just live without guides for this file. 

I know, I shouldn't be using 1.5.1 at all but I
am a bad boy in this respect. I was trying to
compile 1.5.0 using Jlucs script but got 1.5.1
instead. So I used it. 

John Culleton
Wexford Press
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