[scribus] Selecting color palettes on 1.5.0

john Culleton John at wexfordpress.com
Tue Oct 29 21:29:56 UTC 2013

Scribus 1.5.0 offers several palettes, some of which are so
limited as to be IMO useless. Others contain a range of shades
of one or two colors. Looking for a useful general CMYK palette I
found at the bottom of the menu a palette called Galaxy. I have
for years used a printed guide to CMYK colors that I purchased
from a company called Galaxy Gauge. On one of their products, the
"Color Map Pro", printed on glossy paper, is a list of swatches
with names and CMYK numbers. The names, numbers and the colors
on this list are identical to the palette named "Galaxy" on
Scribus 1.5.0.

It is advantageous to have both the printed Galaxy Gauge Color
Pro product and the Scribus palette. Actual printed colors do not
always match the colors we see on the screen, even though they
have the same numbers and name. The Color Map Pro has lots of
other features, including a table of about 1100 swatches and
their CMYK formulations, ways to find complementary color
combinations and so on. I consider it invaluable.

In my scanning of the dozen or more palettes on 1.5.0 the
Galaxy palette is the most practical one IMO.

John Culleton
Wexford Press
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