[scribus] Newbie problems

Rolf-Werner Eilert eilert-sprachen at t-online.de
Wed Dec 11 10:28:46 UTC 2013

Am 11.12.2013 09:19, schrieb Jenny Jones:
> Hi,
> Have recently dowloaded Scribus and am endeavouring to develop a one page poster.  My problem is that whatever I create on the story editor is rarely updated on the document.  After two hours have managed to get one small text box with the right font, colour and text, but the other just refuses to update.  I've ended up with one line in miniscule print and the others in larger print, but the font isn't coming across at all even tho I'm using Ctrl A to highlight the whole page.

Hi Jenny,

The text frames can be kinda tricky when you mix up direct formattings 
with story editor formattings. This sounds as if your text has some 
direct formatting which blocks the story editor changings.

As you are in story editor anyway, what does the paragraph format column 
indicate for this paragraph? Just click on the left column box for this 
paragraph, and choose the standard paragraph format (just choose again 
if it's shown already).

Now apply your formatting, does it react better now?



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