[scribus] Fixing errors in previes

ale rimoldi ale.comp_06 at xox.ch
Wed Oct 24 05:55:21 UTC 2012

hi john,

> Despite what the menu item says, there apparently is no print preview.
> Rather, export to a pdf and view that file as a proofing system.  I've
> never been able to successfully print to a local printer.  And given
> the confusion possible between printer, as the printing device
> connected to my computer, and, printer, as in print shop, I think
> there needs to be some better distinction made in the menu/dialog
> system in Scribus.  Nonetheless, it does produce great output even if
> it is a bit confused about conventional verbiage while doing so.

there is a print preview but it's mostly useless for most people (or,
better said, it's not what they are looking for and does not preview
what they will get from the print shop)

there is a preview which is almost what you are looking for and it's
accessible through a button in right side of the status bar (there is
also an entry in the "view" menu).

and you're right, the definitive preview is looking at the PDF, created
the same way as you will create it for the print shop!

further on, back to marilyn question, there is a preflight verifier
that pops up when you launch the print preview (the one you probably
you don't want to use) or the PDF generation.

if there is a warning that a frame overflows, just click on the
warning, and scribus will automatically select the frame concerned.
you will notice in the lower right corner of the frame that there is a
crossed box, indicating that there is some text that is not shown
because it does not fit. this text may be some empty lines, so you're
not missing any real content... but you never know: it's always better
to remove those extra spaces.

i wish you both a wonderful day

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