[scribus] looking for a web designer / php developer

a.l.e ale.comp_06 at xox.ch
Fri Oct 5 22:15:04 UTC 2012


> > - a php programmer who can help me to setup a simple caching
> > mechanism (and eventually a simple administration console to manage
> > the feeds)
> It's probably an overkill for such a task, but both Wordpress and
> Drupal are perfectly capable of aggregating and displaying feeds from
> many sources. You get a nice admin console for that, and boths systems
> have advanced caching (e.g. W3 Total Cache plug-in for Wordpress).
> Needless to say, it's fairly easy to find someone to design a theme
> for either Wordpress or Drupal.
> Unless, if course, you really wan that planet engine.

it's a very simple (125 lines, all inclusive: list of the feeds +
html template) wrapper around simple pie.

i don't think that i will switch to 125K lines of wordpress or drupal.

for the cache, if nobody is there to help, i will simply generate an
html file which will be invalidated after 5 minutes.
or something similar...
it's probably about 20 lines of code to write...

and no need to design a theme... an html page with some css is just
enough! :-)


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