[scribus] Italics, underline and bold.

a.l.e ale.comp_06 at xox.ch
Sat Mar 3 20:29:20 UTC 2012


> > I used to be able to import from OpenOfice retaining such things as
> > underline, Italics and Bold. But, both 1.4 and the Scribus before
> > that just wont import them now. I must admit I had to highlight the
> > text and “Ctrl + I” for italics and “Ctrl + U” for underlining,
> > “Ctrl + B” for bold.
> >
> > I have a large book with a great deal of these in. Any ideas why
> > they are not work or how to make them to work
> >
> One great way to solve this issue would be that Scribus, upon text
> import, would create character styles for the local formatting (as an
> option, of course). It could also create automatically the paragraph
> styles. There are details to be considered to make that a consistant
> feature but styles are definitely the way to go.

we have discussed this topic last week in brussels with raphaël from
the tigre, and it seems that most user can't do much with styles...
but what would be really nice to have, is a way to manually define
which variant of each font is bold (for you) and italic.

the importer (and the ctrl-b/ctrl-i shortcuts and the b [b] [i]) would
then use those bindings.

what do you think about it?


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