[scribus] Paragraph distance from frame's upper edge

a.l.e ale.comp_06 at xox.ch
Fri Dec 21 08:48:14 UTC 2012

hi rolf
> Hi,
> From the old Scribus, I took a layout to the new one. There is a 
> textbox with a gray background and a bold word in it "JANUARY 2013".
> In the old Scribus, the first line of this paragraph held some 
> distance to the upper edge of the frame, so this word would be in the 
> middle of the gray box.
> In the new Scribus, the letters are kept directly at the upper edge. 
> When I try to adjust "upper distance of paragraph", it doesn't react. 
> Why?
> Somehow I would like to get the word a bit deeper into the middle of 
> the box. Can I achieve this with the paragraph style, or will I have 
> to use another box for the text over the gray one?

there was an error in the way scribus calculated the line 
spacing for the first line (in some specific cases).

this has been corrected in 1.4.1: this is the reason why, in some cases, 
you see a difference.

if you want to control the space above the first line in the frame:
- use the frame distances as david suggests
- or play with the settings for the first line offset (also in the 
properties palette) and the different ways you can set the line height 
(in the text tab of the PP). please, try to understand what the 
different options mean and do not just settle for a way that looks ok on 
the monitor... this will ensure that the space is always correctly 
calculated, also in future version of scribus :-)

happy hacking

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