[scribus] scribus on Win7 68bit

Marcin Szafran jm_sz at vp.pl
Fri Aug 24 19:12:31 UTC 2012

Wiadomosc napisana przez Anke Lange (24.08.2012 17:10) zawierala m.in. 
takie slowa:
> Well, it looks like Scribus doesn't find the path to ghostscript.
> She's got gs8.53 installed.
i've had the same problem.
version does not matter.
go to scribus' configuration then to external tools and then set the 
path to ghostscript (in my win7 64bit system with 64 bit ghostscript 
9.05 it is C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.05\bin\gswin64c.exe)

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