[scribus] Render frames

Gregory Pittman gregp_ky at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 11 12:45:39 UTC 2011

On 09/11/2011 07:37 AM, Geoffrey Heaford wrote:
> Can someone please tell me what render frames do. Every reference seems to
> refer to Latex.
I'm not sure that I can fully explain it, but here is what I understand.
Render frames allow for some external app to create a PDF rendered 
inside a frame, which at least in principle should be better than making 
and then importing the PDF to an image frame.

It was first created for use with LaTeX, via pdflatex, but supports 
other apps like Lilypond for musical notation, and POV-Ray.

In general, you need to understand these apps in order to make use of 
render frames, unless you can manage to find some files that you might 
import into the frame. You also have to have the appropriate executable 
(like pdflatex) on your system.


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